The Black Sheep Mournes Shuttle

Providing morning walker uplift in the Mourne mountain range

We provide a shuttle service to walkers in the Mournes, facilitating linear walks, overcoming parking issues.

  • PARK at your intended finish point
  • SHUTTLE to start point
  • WALK planned route back to vehicles

Making life easier, saving time and fuel, and lessening the impact of vehicles parking along narrow country roads where farmers need to carry out their daily duties using wide farming machinery.

We also run the shuttle service within the grounds of the Silent Valley – vehicle access is not permitted to Ben Crom reservoir so why not use the shuttle service to visit the upper dam, where you get spectacular views of the high Mournes.

To book, contact the guide directly.
Telephone: +4475 1641 2076

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Park Avenue 6
Newcastle BT33 0DY Northern Ireland GB
Get directions

+4475 1641 2076
